Member’s papers and articles
Here you will find detailed discussions of potters, as well as shorter articles that invite member’s participation and comments .
At the bottom is a ceramic quiz.
Anthony Amatt
Anthony Amatt pottery, inventor, and businessman, born in 1759 died in Bristol in 1851.
In his long career he is said to have worked
in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Scotland, and Bristol.
There are many traditional tales relating to his businesses,can you help determine fact from fiction?
Can you contribute to the discussion or offer some answers, or suggestions as to where answers might be found? Your responses will be posted on the NCS website – anonymously if you prefer.

Crew’s Hole, the site of Anthony Amatt’s pottery, east of the City of Bristol.
William Littler 1741 marriage to Jane Booth
The discovery of the marriage allegation/bond/licence of William Littler and Jane Booth resulted in more questions than answers for one of our members. Take a look at the document and the evidence so far and perhaps you can answer some of the questions that still puzzle those who have an enduring fascination with the life and work of William Littler.
Can you contribute to the discussion or offer some answers, or suggestions as to where answers might be found? Your responses will be posted on the NCS website – anonymously if you prefer.

Soup tureen and soup plate, William Littler, West Pans, Scotland from the campbell Collection of Soup Tureens at Winterthur Museum
James, Ralph and Andrew Stevenson
Potters of Cobridge
This illustrated paper with new research on the Stevenson brothers, their businesses and their pottery production, is based on a presentation given at the NCS meeting in March 2019. It discusses earthenware, stone china and bone china made by the various Stevenson partnerships. You can view or download a copy by clicking on the button below.
Lockdown Coffeebreak
What happens when the coffee cup you use every morning suddenly becomes more than your favourite mug? When the fishy decoration takes you on an underwater adventure into the past?
You can find out why there is more to this mug than meets the eye.

British Ceramic Lockdown Quiz 2020
60 questions divided across 6 categories are designed for you to test yourself on how well you know British Ceramics. Challenge yourself to see how many you can answer from your own general knowledge. If you need some help (and most of us will) begin with the NCS digital database and then move on to your library, and don’t trust everything you find on google!
Answers will be available on June 1 here on this website, mark your own paper and see how well you know British Ceramics.
How will you score?