About Us
Since the NCS was founded in 1972, we have become the society for people who love pots. Our main focus is on British pottery and porcelain from 1600 to the present day. The NCS is open to everyone and our membership is worldwide. We share the latest ceramic news and research though our meetings, seminars, publications, exhibitions and website.
Collectors, dealers, museum staff, auctioneers, ceramic historians, and archaeologists are all current members and you, whatever your ceramic interests, are most welcome to join us.
To contact us, please use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
See our data protection policy here

NCS activities
Monthly meetings are held from September to November and from February to May each year. These take place at different museums and heritage sites in the midlands and north of England. Everyone is welcome to bring a guest to a meeting but please let the programme secretary know in advance if possible. All meetings are free of charge to members. Programme available here
We have a summer visit in June or early July, either to a private collection or a museum, or both on occasions, that offer an opportunity to see ceramics not always available to the public. There is usually a small charge for this – and often we arrange a lunch and refreshments as part of the event to allow more time for discussion and socialising.
We also hold residential seminars – one in summer, one in winter, where we explore a ceramic theme in depth and provide an opportunity for members from all over the world to meet together and exchange ideas and ceramic gossip. In addition to the formal presentations the event includes, short members’ papers, information posters and informal common room sessions where members share information and objects from their collections in a relaxed and welcoming environment. More on our programme here

Committee & Financial Report
The Northern Ceramic Society is Registered Charity No. 287630.
You can find a list of our current committee members here
Our financial report is lodged with the Charity Commission each year and can be viewed on their web site. We have been complimented on our clear and excellent accounts. The report is also distributed with the March Newsletter and is discussed at the AGM which is usually held in May