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The Northern Ceramic Society (NCS) is a UK registered Charity (no. 287630), whose objectives are the advancement of the education of the public in the study of the history and the manufacture of pottery and porcelain.
This website contains digitised versions of the NCS Journal and the NCS Quarterly Newsletter, each first published in 1972. The last five years of these publications are still on sale in hard copy and will be progressively added to the site.
Access to the website is gained by first registering with the site then buying a subscription. Before you register you can try a search using the search field on the right of the page to see what content there is on a subject that interests you.
To register click on the menu item at the top of the page. You only need to fill out mandatory fields (enter ncs under "Affiliation") plus the postal address. After registration, from Subscriptions in the right hand menu, click on Learn More to be taken to the page where you can buy a subscription.
Full members of the Northern Ceramic Society pay a nominal £1.00 charge to access this website and public access is available for non members by purchasing a subscription for one month (£15.00), six months (£30.00), or one year (£50.00). These charges are designed to assist NCS to maintain its web based publishing services. Becoming a full member of NCS also provides full individual access to the online service and costs £32.00 per annum for UK members or £42.00 for overseas members. Joint memberships are available See the "Join NCS" link on the right hand side of this page or find out more about NCS on this website. Full members receive hard copies of our annual Journal, the newsletter, and may participate in a number of meetings and special events.
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